
Technological Disruption Alchemy

Technological Disruption Alchemy (TDA) is one of the Spectral Thinking tools developed to quickly catch up with technological trends and brainstorm new disruptive ideas on the frontier of modern possibilities.

The tool might be used for multiple occasions, but the main two are:

  • Consulting & Domain Analysis. Quick dive into a new domain: get oriented, understand key trends, and get some perspectives and insights on long-term domain evolution and potential strategies customers might explore.
  • Product & Tech Research Pivoting. Explore the options to pivot existing products or technology taking into account long-term trends and semi-random "magic" opportunities.

Barrier Transition Matrix

The Barrier Transition Matrix is a long-term envisioning tool to explore the product, technology, service, or other concept development based on going through transition stages. Stages are linked to the corresponding barriers, and each next stage is the order of magnitude more complex than the previous one from the current perspective.

The are two versions of the matrix:

  1. The light version focuses only on the roadmap (cells in the matrix) and stages. It is easier to fulfill and it might be a good starting point (e.g., through a collective workshop experience) before going with the full version, which requires more analytical skills. Choose this one if what is more important than why and how.
  2. The full version directly adds the notion of transition barriers and drivers and the notion of the current mainstream (baseline). It requires 3-5 more time than the light version to fulfill. Choose this one if why and how is more important than what.


Originally the Barrier Transition Matrix was inspired by the interview with Alex Kipman (back then the head of Kinect & Hololens projects at Microsoft, 2017) in which he described his way of thinking on the evolution the Mixed Reality.

Business Compass

The Business Compass is a simple tool to explore the four aspects of the business on "one page" (originally evolved from the four pillars of Digital Transformation used at Microsoft):

  • Customers & Communities
  • Products & Services
  • Processes & Value Creation Chains
  • People & Culture

The template might be adapted to specific scenarios like mission exploration or feedback-gathering sessions (see examples).

Known-Unknown Matrix

The "Known-Unknown Matrix" template is a Design Thinking tool to explore a set of cognitive biases related to how we process our knowledge and make assumptions. It also might be used for brainstorming sessions when it is required to push the team into the Terra Incognita to explore opportunities outside of the current knowledge.

Multimodal Influence Matrix

The Multimodal Influence Matrix is a template to structure the actors’ relationships in a scenario. It guides you to look into the past and the future, behind the scene, and into people’s minds to expand the influence landscape.

Spectrum Canvas Tool & Template

The Spectrum Canvas extends the foundational for Inclusive Design line of mismatches and permanent-to-temporary-to-situational disabilities to 1) further reflection over a cumulative effect, 2) and brainstorm on what could make an organization "immune" or super powerful. We also discuss how the inversion of the mismatch is actually a trend.

Socio-Technical Ecosystem Model (v1.5)

The Socio-Technical Ecosystem Model (STEM) is one of the Spectral Thinking tools helping you to explore and plan the ecosystem of your interest, taking into account various aspects, forces, actors, and roles. The ecological definition of the ecosystem inspired this model and thus it goes beyond the traditional approach of listing key players and products.

Technology Maturity Map

The Technology Maturity Map is an evolution of the classic maturity levels model broadly used across consulting industry. The new template design is based on our own exploration of the Corporate Metaverse theme at HSL (see example) and includes:

  • the notion of a subsystem/technology context,
  • the notion of development and resistance drivers,
  • takes into account the complex and dynamic nature of technology evolution,
  • creates space to explore insights, experiments, practices, and risks.

The Singularity Passage Framework

The Singularity Passage (SP) is one of the Spectral Thinking tools helping you to understand and plan the evolution of an area of interest, taking into account various actors and specifics of their roles, motivation, and spectrum of possible next moves.

🚧 Work-in-progress: The Socio-Technological Ecosystem Model (v2)

The second version:

  • 2 new layers (workforce & lymph)
  • Clarified cross-border transgressions
  • Updated definitions
  • The notion of the ecosystem lifecycle
  • Finally, detailed instructions

🚧 Work-in-progress: Motivation Radar

A new template to explore personal and group motivation across 16 directions. (Inspired by gamers’ motivation research. 🎮)